You knew it was gonna happen
The rumor of a video iPod has been around so long that it had started getting offers from AARP. But it is finally here and it is actually better news that I thought it might be.
First, it is following the Nano's lead by slimming down, though depending on the capacity, not by much. And it also features a bright, color screen.
Where it departs is the content. Of course there are music videos, but Apple has also formed a strategic partnership with Disney, Pixar, and the ABC TV network (a subsidiary of Disney) to provide content beyond music videos. Being the first day of availability I figured the selection would be a bit Spartan, but I was shocked at how small the choices were. After all, I watched quite a view music videos through iTunes while connected to the 'Net.
Enough carping. The selection will grow. But the pricing is the cool part. Just $1.99 per download. Even the TV shows. That's impressive and I can hardly wait until shows I like are available. Or movies. Did you check out the screen cap in detail? They've already configured iTunes to sort movies and video podcasts. There's a lot of strategic thinking going on at Apple. Personal entertainment is going to start evolving pretty rapidly right about ... soon.
No, I don't hold any illusions about long-awaited promises. After all I'm still waiting for my jet pack promised way back in the 60s. But the death of the personal computer as we know it is in the works. I agree with tech pundits that a small device along the lines where the iPods are evolving will be carried and plugged into larger machines for input by keyboards or other devices capable of great volume but simply carried around for multiple uses -- phone, games, video, music, calendar, to-do list, electronic wallet, identification, and more. There will be fits and starts (the Motorola Rokr could be better), but it is happening. Thank goodness companies like Apple have design sense, marketing savvy, and a real vision.
A brief word about the two videos I purchased. "Weapon of Choice" by Fatboy Slim needs to be included in any list of the Top 50 music videos of all time. While the song is pretty good thanks to a great melody it is infinitely enhanced by the presence -- and the dancing -- of actor Christopher Walken. This is Rat Pack cool. Steve McQueen cool. Bob-your-head-slowly-with-a-knowing-grin cool. Yeah.Blue Man Group is cool, too, just in other ways and while this video for "The Current" isn't spectacular in any way (nothing innovative here, folks), it does what the medium should do: enhance the original product with a new perspective that adds to the enjoyment. This song can stand alone, something I can't say the same about the Fat Boy Slim effort, but is refreshing in this form.
I can see myself buying more videos, but probably sparingly as, unlike my music choices, I'll think more about how often I would be likely to watch the content in the future. That is how I decide whether to buy a DVD or just rent it. But at $1.99 per download I can see there's going to be some temptation going on.
By the way, Apple also released the largest iPod to date. Click here to learn more.