Now is the time
Now is the time to show the Lord that we take his gift seriously. We need to lay down our weapons and use our resources to the aid of our fellow man.
"Pakistan's president called Saturday's magnitude-7.7 earthquake the country's worst on record and appealed for urgent help, particularly cargo helicopters to reach remote areas. Rival India, which reported more than 465 dead, offered assistance" (source).
"Pakistan says more than 19,000 have been killed by Saturday's huge earthquake, and it is feared the death toll could climb much further. More than 42,000 people are believed to be injured, said the interior minister" (source).
This week's earthquake in Asia is but one example of how great the need is yet we waste our resources on war. The history of quakes in the last 85 years tells us of the need:
2004 Asian tsunami, triggered by undersea quake - kills at least 200,000Having resources ready for disaster rapid response rather than engaged in conflict would save lives not just from quickly giving aid, but casualties among soldiers would decrease.
2003 Bam, Iran - kills 26,271
2001 Gujarat, north-west India - kills more than 20,000
1976 Tangshan, China - kills 242,000
1923 Tokyo - kills 140,000
Then there is the other benefit: reputation. At the risk of committing the sin of vanity, I'd like to point out that a huge problem for America is the poor reputation we have in the world today. We're pushy colonialist meddlers who simply want the world's resources and are willing to use the force of arms to take them.
Wouldn't it be better to be seen as a good neighbor that is willing to give a hand whenever needed without cost or obligation? If this was the image others had of America I honestly believe we would face fewer dangers to the lives of our citizens at home and abroad. It wouldn't be a total cessation danger as terrorists attack others simply for the pleasure of it, but wouldn't they look all the more foolish for attacking a well-meaning nation than they appear now for attacking the nation we currently seem to be?
(Collage compiled from images found at Yahoo! News. Quake history from BBC News.)