Vote the Bums Out!
Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum strikes me as genial, intelligent, and well-spoken. Sadly, I feel that he is far too conservative to serve the interests of the Commonwealth. That's why I was glad to see the following story this morning:
Santorum's rise in the Republican ranks has been speedy, from state chairman of the College Republicans during his days at Penn State to congressman to No. 3 in the Senate GOP leadership. An unabashed conservative, he has been something of a political misfit in Pennsylvania, which backed Democrats Al Gore in 2000 and John Kerry in 2004.You would think that a conservative Christian such as myself would support Mr. Santorum, but I feel that he blindly backs the current administration in lock-step fashion far too often. What the Senate needs now are innovative, independent thinkers.
This election year, Santorum, 48, is widely regarded as the most vulnerable incumbent. By double digits, polls show him trailing rival Bob Casey, the state treasurer, namesake son of a popular governor and a conservative Democrat (source).
By act and heritage, Bob Casey is such an individual. He has been an outstanding State Auditor General and an outspoken member of his party. Like his father who was denied a speaking place at a party convention because of his opposition to abortion, Mr. Casey stands with his beliefs rather than tow the party line. I like that in a politician.