Deja Vu > Intra-Stellar Edition
"A new generation of technology will soon allow scientists to detect thousands more potential threats from errant asteroids. But a little over two years after perhaps the biggest asteroid scare of all time, no planetary defense plan is in place nor an indication of who would put one into effect."
"The risk of a collision with a planet-killing asteroid is straight out of Hollywood and science fiction, but astronomers and NASA have been taking the prospect seriously, especially when projections in 2004 briefly suggested a 2.7 percent chance of a major strike in 2029. When money becomes available, a second generation of asteroid-detecting technology will start scanning the skies to find potential threats.",72755-0.html?tw=rss.index
Yep. Search the blog ... I told ya.
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Labels: Armageddon, asteroid, end times, NASA