Death of the N Word
Few words make me cringe but the N Word always does.
New York City symbolically banned use of the word nigger on Wednesday, the latest step in a campaign that hopes to expunge the most vile of racial slurs from hip hop music and television.Yet the word is hugely important in American history. Only when race is no longer an issue (post-Apocalypse, I'm sure) will anyone be able to fully assess the word's impact.
Many rap artists and young New Yorkers toss the word around as a term of endearment or as a substitute for black, angering some black leaders who consider those who use it as ignorant of the word's hate-filled history in slavery and segregation (source).
Sure, that's a pretty lame statement, but even thinking about the word creates a sort of mental paralysis. The word's impact is that devastating.
Labels: African-American, Black, controversy, culture, end times, hate, history, language, linquistics, New York, NYC, race, racial, segregation, slavery