Song of the Day: I was tempted to bring up Superchick's "We All Fall" again because of the crash and burn I took today, but I thought it might be better to nominate the same group's "I Belong To You" from the Last One Picked album. The lyrics don't really have anything to do with today's fall, but I certainly needed to apologize and rededicate myself. The Lord gave me plenty of warning and many opportunities to not give into temptation, but I didn't listen.
All of this really hit home when I watched a DVD about street preaching featuring evangelist Ray Comfort from Living Waters. Very nice work. I'm going to incorporate it into a future Bible study session. After watching this if you would like to street preach, read this first. I might have to give it a try sometime, but I'd like to apprentice for a bit first and get to know the Bible really, really well.
Peace & Prayers!