When it rains I play. Sure, I have other things to do, but since I couldn't mow the lawn this morning I was able to change the template for my Blog and learn about some new-to-me features. If it weren't for blogging and iTunes I probably wouldn't have a computer, though: I don't play games; my various jobs don't require me to have a home computer; the resources I use on the Web I can replace with newspapers, magazines, and television; my cell phone is free so I could call people rather than e-mail them; and my book intake has steadily fallen since I first bought a computer (1982 - an 8088 from CompuAdd with monochrome monitor, 20Mb HDD, 5 1/4" floppy, and dot matrix printer for two-grand).
Well, gotta go get the oil changed in the car, drop the monkey suit off at the cleaners, exchange mail with my mailbox, buy some food and run other errands. Sheesh. I'd rather sit around.