Hey, Lucy! 'Splain Somethin' to Me!
'Splain to me why there are always holdouts that ignore warnings to evacuate during disasters? There are dozens of examples like the one to the left in the Yahoo! News Hurricanes slideshow. They know its coming and there are plenty of resources for folks who can't afford to leave on their own. Yet after every disaster we have scenes like this. Tornadoes I can understand. But hurricanes?
Now 'splain somethin' else --why looters in New Orleans and other Katrina disaster areas instantly lose command of the English language when confronted. One moment they are shouting and waving at the cameras, then when asked if they knew they were stealing only dumb looks were used for communication.Not that I'm ungrateful for the update, but 'splain to me why all my placemarks become inaccurate when Google Earth updated it's photos. My mobile home shifted like a tornado went by. In this pic you can't tell the lawn isn't mowed, but it probably wasn't. And is that my yellow Ford Focus under the tree? I can make out all the cars of my neighbors. This photo is copyright 2005, but I still see empty lots from a couple years ago.