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16 October 2005 

Neo-Nazi Victory

After reading the Associated Press story "Neighbors: Neo-Nazis Had No Right to March" (source) I came to several conclusions:

  1. The neo-Nazis didn't even need to march to win a victory.
  2. Gang members, particularly the masked one that threatened to shoot the mayor, managed to put themselves on the same level with any Nazis past, present, and future. Using violence to show hate for other just because of what they believe makes them brothers, of a sort, one no better than the other.
  3. Looting has become a legitimate form of protest, even if the property looted has no relationship to the problem or group that the protest is about.
  4. It is okay to suspend the legal rights as long as they aren't yours.
Amazing what one learns when reading the news.

Top Photo "Police secure a block as a local bar burns in Toledo, Ohio, Saturday, Oct. 15, 2005. A crowd that gathered to protest a white supremacists' march Saturday turned violent, throwing baseball-sized rocks at police, vandalizing vehicles and stores, and setting fire to a neighborhood bar, authorities said." (AP Photo/J.D. Pooley)

Bottom Photo "Lou Ratajski stands in front of his damaged club, Sunday, Oct. 16, 2005, in Toledo, Ohio. Jim and Lou's Sportsmans Club was damged during an outbreak of violence in response to a white supremacist march in a North Toledo neighbothood. The riot broke out Saturday when protesters confronted members of the National Socialist Movement who had gathered at a city park. Rioters threw baseball-sized rocks at police, vandalized vehicles and stores, and set fire to a neighborhood bar, authorities said." (AP Photo/Daniel Miller)

Gee, I wonder how destroying this building and the livelihood of a non-participant hurt the Nazis.

About me

  • I'm CC Hunt
  • From Between UNH & USM of late., United States
  • Romans 7:15 in some fashion or other defines it all, be it my career, loves, family, or whatever.
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