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16 October 2005 

'Splain this to me, Lucy!

"Protesters at a white supremacists' march threw rocks at police, vandalized vehicles and stores and cursed the mayor for allowing the event. Mayor Jack Ford said when he and a local minister tried to calm the rioters Saturday, they were cursed and a masked gang member threatened to shoot him. At one point, the crowd reached 600 people, officials said." (Yahoo! News)
Now 'splain to me why the riot and looting started after the Nazi march was called off. Of particular note, the marchers were protesting gang violence. I'm not defending the Nazis, but there's a hint of truth in the events.

Look! Ricky Martin is a Top Story! Why? Who cares? Who makes these decisions? Why isn't the problem in Malawi Top News? 'Splain this to me!!

And 'splain to me why most of the podcasts from television networks are simply teasers for their programming. There's the obvious answer, but haven't they figured out that consumers are looking for content, not adverts? If they were of such a mind, wouldn't there exist an all adverts TV network by now?

Big 'splanation needed here: Now the US is going after Iran? Have we finished with North Korea, Afghanistan, and Iraq yet? Oh! And we still have troops in Europe well after the threat of Soviet invasion has passed. This is what needs 'splaining ... can't we use our resources for other things like relief from famine, flood, earthquake, and other problems?

Lucy, 'splain to me why (from my perspective, at least) women are so attractive and desirable if I shouldn't be looking at them "in that way" as that is the same as committing adultery (Matthew 5:28). Just before I left work last Friday a reminder about the company dress code was e-mailed. Apparently some of the women-folk were -- as a co-worker put it -- "showing too much bosom." Not that it distracted me from my work, mind you, but I agree. Despite working in a cubicle I still had to see the pulchritude and it tended to make my mind wander from the righteous path. I'll miss it, but the idea is probably for the best.

In a similar vein (though a bit more facetious in nature), if God hadn't wanted us to eat animals, 'splain why he made them out of meat? And "unclean" animals need extra 'splanation ... if pigs shouldn't be eaten why did He make them with bacon?

Lastly, 'splain why the artist once known as Puff Daddy needs to keep changing his name. This tells me there's something missing in his life and from what I've read about the man in the press, I would say that what is missing is God. Only through knowing the Lord can we know ourselves.

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  • I'm CC Hunt
  • From Between UNH & USM of late., United States
  • Romans 7:15 in some fashion or other defines it all, be it my career, loves, family, or whatever.
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