Some notes for Christians (but you can look, too)
Did you see the new adverts I've placed on this site. I'm not pointing them out because I make money off them (just the Google ones, but not really enough to talk about). The Skpe advert is there just because the service is cool while the "Are you a good person?" banner is just to catch people. Try it. It's fun.
The one just below that is actually six different hotspots and I use the 'Bible Lookup' link once and again if I don't use the link in my toolbar. But the 'Evidence Bible' link is really cool. It gives access to an annotated Bible that explains why Christianity is The Answer (and Jesus is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life" - John 14:6). There are a lot of commentaries out there but this one is very focused and readable.This note I may have to let you consider for yourself. Followers of the Church of Latter Day Saints can avail themselves of a singles service on the Web. I'm not sure I get the idea at all. The last time I spoke with an LDS follower (AKA, Mormon) I got the impression that marriages were pre-ordained and the wedding ceremony was really a bond sealing event. If that is so, is this site for casual, recreational relationships? Maybe, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't have the usually standard "M4M"or "F4F" sections. It wouldn't surprise me if it had an "M4FFFFF" section, though.
Okay, that was a cheap shot, but the Mormons I know would laugh.
Then there is Blogs4God, a site I hope to explore soon and maybe setup a faith-specific blog. They want "compelling content," though, and I'm not sure I'm up to what that implies. Like I mentioned, this may take some research but I was sort of hoping to have a Christian-focused blog with regular (or irregular) collaborators as one effort in establishing my ministry for Christ. A little, tiny part of me even thought about a podcast (click here for some Christian podcasts), but first I want to be sure that is not the sin of Vanity sneaking up on me. Admittedly, this blog is part vanity.