I feel a bit sad
When Lego Mindstorm was first introduced I saved my money and bought one. Actually, I whipped out to the toy store and made a credit card fairly warm. I built everything the box suggested and a couple variations on their projects. After that ... nothing.
Mind you, I love Lego building bricks. I've played with them for the last 35 years. And as I write this there are 3 or 4 models on my desk at home. My work desk has a set for when things get really bored (the blue truck model picture).
The Lego company announced a Mindstorm update a few days ago (source) that is far more sophisticated with features like Bluetooth tethering and remote control (like the robot above, right). "Wow! That is so cool," I said (not out loud) and was happily thinking about it until I realized that I hadn't touched my current Mindstorm set in a few years. Jimminies. How crass I've gotten, it seems.
I forget that I don't really have a creative bent. Of the sets on my home desk I've yet to build something other than detailed in the original boxes. The submarine set I have in the living room hasn't been touched in a while, though I have a few models on the coffee table that I fiddle with. That's probably what I do best -- fiddle and modify. The few times I get a creative bent I almost endlessly modify the design until I'm happy, bored, or both. My writing is like that at times. And any document I create at work. I guess I'm an editor. An editor that has a lot of good, clean fun.