Song of the Day! Yay! While writing the last post (and submitting it to my local paper 'cause no one reads this Blog) I was listening to my iPod playlist "Voci Supriori" -- the best of the vocal tracks of the some 700+ tunes I have. The one that really stood out, though for no particular reason, was "Hikky-Burr" from the album The Original Jam Sessions 1969, by Bill Cosby and Quincy Jones. Yeah, that's right -- Bill Cosby. His talent for making up nonsense words and phrases for many of his comedy bits is out in full force on this track as he provides the "lyrics" for a really great Jazz tune. This track and the others on the album were created from material that was recorded for The Bill Cosby Show. Click the song title above for album samples, more information, and details on how you can make a purchase (or do the same through iTunes). On the same album there are three versions of the piece (two without Mr. Cosby) and another great track, "Groovy Gravy."
On a related note, listen closely to P.M. Dawn's rendition of the Hendrix tune "You've Got Me Floatin'" on the Stone Free: A Tribute To Jimi Hendrix album. There are a number of familiar voices that were sampled saying "Jimi" or "Jimi Hendrix" and one of them is unmistakably Bill Cosby. Dionne Warwick is another (wonder if her psychic friends foresaw that). Can't quite place names with the other ones, but one could be Barry White or Isaac Hayes and another sounds like Jimi himself.