Have you tried this yet?
New Google Search Engine Boosts 'Blogging'
"A new Google Inc. specialty search engine sifts through the Internet's millions of frequently updated personal journals, a long-anticipated development expected to help propel 'blogging' into the cultural mainstream. The new tool, unveiled Wednesday at http://blogsearch.google.com, focuses exclusively on the material contained in the journals known as Web logs, or "blogs." (Yahoo! News)
After a brief run around the test track I'd say it works rather well. I Googled myself with it and found that I variously wrote a book, died in the NY World Trade Center, carried a flat-screen monitor somewhere (alcohol was involved), turned out to be a doctor, watched one of the Kill Bill movies with a bunch of people identified only by the AOL names, visited an exotic restaurant in Brazil, and am member # 514 of De Tatton Lodge No.2144 in the Province of Cheshire.
Well, I am a Mason, but in another lodge; I've been to a doctor recently; have seen the first Kill Bill, though by myself; carried more than a few flat-screen monitors without alcohol involvement in any immediate fashion; have wanted to write a book but thus far haven't; but I've never been to the NY World Trade Center or Brazil.
None of these are really me, of course, but I hardly turn up with a regular Googling. One entry, really, and it involves NASA. That's all I'm saying.
so anyway... there I was trying to find some history of one of my Lodges' origin and this blog is all that pops up when I google De Tatton Lodge No. 2144.
Look well to the Google, Bro. Blogger.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:39 PM EDT