Changes, Choices, & other "Ch" words
I'm thinking of a change. Actually, there are a number of things that I'm thinking of changing, but the easiest to change is the look of this blog. The look I have now is alright, I suppose, but my mood is thinking that something different is in order.
Here are two choices. If you can think of a better one, leave a comment.The first is called Snapshot Tequila. It is a greenish variation of two similar templates - one pink and one blue. I like the header graphic and the hint of color. The "Recent Posts" section is nice, too. My only real gripe is the borders left and right. That seems to be a waste of space. Of course, the borders and having the posts to the left of the page might keep posted pictures in place a bit better if the browser window is resized. I can tweak the font size for the hard-of-seeing folks like me. And it looks like it has permalinks built in so I don't have to code them.
The second template, Tekka, is very plain-Jane and I find that oddly appealing considering my attraction to the other template. The larger font is also very nice. There isn't a "Recent Posts" section, but I suppose I could figure out a way to do that. Ditto with the permalinks.
After Googling for other templates I half decided to relearn Html and make my own. There are some pretty lame templates out there. Lamer than these two, actually.
Well, that's not fair. Everyone has their own taste. Right now I can't make up what mine is. Maybe I'll peruse the choices at Blogger one more time.