Cooler & Faster
Congratulate me. Installing FlyakiteOSX just made my computer cooler and faster. It is a skin for Windows that recreates the cool look and feel of the Macintosh operating system (well, some things are missing). I wonder if OS 10 for Windows (yeah, you've heard the rumors, too) will look like this. And everything works with more zip. Programs, windows, documents, everything is zippier. I should have done a memory check and processor use comparison but I didn't gather the data before installation as I didn't think that I'd keep it for long. Nonetheless, I'd say it is faster.
It's only been a few hours now and I've yet to find a bad side. So far I'm adjusting gears as icons look different from what I'm used to and I'm still playing with some of the settings. Something amusing: Apple iTunes was totally unaffected and still looks like the Windows original. I'll post more later. Right now I'm off to play Solitare and Spider Solitare. The cards are way cooler than the originals.
FYI - I think I read about this at digg, but I'm not sure. It might have been (or not).