Lots of time yesterday and I did nothing. I had planned to take roses to my Lydia for her Birthday, but depression and the thought that yesterday's intense heat would have ruined the blooms before nightfall kept me from doing even that.
Mostly I slept ... usually a great respite from depression ... or hung out in the Lydia Rose Memorial Park on Second Life. I decorated for a birthday party, cake and all, plus took lots of pictures, but didn't think once to post any here. I'll update this post with pics or make a new post when I get home from work. I e-mailed one to myself at work, but system limitations don't let me post pics to Blogger from here.
And my girlfriend was bummed out about something. I don't know what. Overall, a cruddy day. At least today is Monday.
Update 06:35PM: Here are the pix mentioned above.

Near the base of the tree behind me is a poofer that generates roses when touched or when you hit land near it when first approaching the property. This was a gift from Kala. Thanks, hun!

The poofer provided a nice accent to this picture of me on the teeter-totter. I like the Happy Birthday sign and put it up in a couple places.

My last pic of the day. Not wanting to go to bed, I stayed up until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, just after midnight on the 18th. The photo of Lydia is from her last real birthday, age two. We took her to Chuck E. Cheese in Portsmouth, NH. That night her mother decided to leave me, but didn't tell me until a few months later.

Here's Uccello in front of the InfoStation at the park under another banner and with some balloons. She helped me decorate and monitored the park while I wasn't online. Thanks, Sis!

Even the cows celebrated! A rotating pedestal supports a huge three-tier cake from the Linden family. The candles can be blown out and relit, but don't try to get a piece of cake ... it's not real.
But stop by the
Park anyway, I'm going to leave the decorations up for a little while, not sure how long. Feel free to bring your friends and celebrate her life with me.