Buddhists believe that sex before marriage is not immoral if there is love and consent between the two parties involved. According to Buddhist precepts, as long as the act of sex does not cause harm to you or another person in any way, it is permissible.
According to WitchVox.com, pagans have no set rules against homosexuality, nudity or premarital sex. However, sex is viewed as "the generative force in nature and is seen by most pagans as something utterly sacred. The physical act of love is to be approached with great respect and responsibility."
Hinduism's received moral traditions about premarital sex are rooted in its concept of the stages of life. One of these stages is the life of the celibate student, which precedes the stage of the married householder. Celibacy is considered the appropriate behavior for both male and female students (or unmarried singles who have left school). Hinduism holds this view not because it regards sex as inherently sinful, but because of this belief in certain life stages.
According to Jewish law, sex and other acts that may lead to sex are only allowed within the context of a marriage. Sex is not only a means of physical gratification, but an important act that "requires commitment and responsibility. The requirement of marriage before sex ensures that sense of commitment and responsibility."
According to the Qur'an, "the believers are...those who protect their sexual organs except from their spouses... Therefore, whosoever seeks more beyond that [in sexual gratification], then they are the transgressors." (23:5-6). Muslim scholars say this statement "makes it very clear that any sexual gratification outside marriage is considered a transgression of the law of God."
American Baptist
According to the American Baptists, "Christian disciples choices about singleness, marriage, parenthood, and living in covenantal, intentional family arrangements are to be made soberly, with prayer, and as integral parts of the Christian's response to God's call in Jesus Christ. We affirm the competence of the individual soul to determine God's will in such matters through the reading and interpreting of Scripture, through dialogue with God, by considering the teaching and counsel of the Christian community, and by seeking and testing the wisdom of sisters and brothers in Christ."

The Catholic church teaches that situations where sex occurs outside of marriage "offend against the dignity of marriage; they destroy the very idea of the family; they weaken the sense of fidelity. They are contrary to the moral law. The sexual act must take place exclusively within marriage. Outside of marriage it always constitutes a grave sin and excludes one from sacramental communion."
Eastern Orthodoxy
According to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, "the Orthodox Church remains faithful to the biblical and traditional norms regarding premarital sexual relations between men and women. The only appropriate and morally fitting place for the exercise of sexual relations, according to the teachings of the Church, is marriage."
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The ELCA church's position on promiscuity states that "having casual sexual relations is sinful because this does not proceed from or contribute to respect, intimacy, and care of the other. Promiscuity is inconsistent with our identity as Christians (1 Cor. 6:12-20). Being sexually active in order to be popular or only to gratify sexual desire is morally wrong."
Latter-Day Saints
Mormons believe that sexual relations are permitted only with one's spouse of legal marriage. In addition, chastity encompasses more than sex itself. According to Mormon policy statements, "the most common sexual sins our young people commit are necking and petting. Not only do these improper relations often lead to fornication, [unwed] pregnancy, and abortions--all ugly sins--but in and of themselves they are pernicious evils, and it is often difficult for youth to distinguish where one ends and another begins."
Presbyterian Church (USA)
The teachings of Presbyterian Church (USA) state that "total intimacy should happen in a relationship of total commitment, which marriage is intended to be. We advocate responsible behavior, understood as sexual expression that matches the seriousness and permanence of the relationship."
Southern Baptist Convention
According to the Southern Baptist Convention's Faith and Message, "Procreation is a gift from God, a precious trust reserved for marriage."
United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Church's policy on sexuality states that "sexual relations are only clearly affirmed in the marriage bond. Sex may become exploitative within as well as outside marriage. We reject all sexual expressions that damage or destroy the humanity God has given us as birthright, and we affirm only that sexual expression that enhances that same humanity."
Okay, it's a little unfair to put pictures of highly attractive and desirable people in this post, isn't it? My point is that temptation is everywhere, particularly if one is predisposed to behavior related to the enticement. Urban lore holds that men think about sex every six or so seconds. This may seem a bit often until one reflects on the way society values sex. You don't usually see people like me in the media promoting products (the Dove adverts are an exception), as news readers, or becoming leading men/women in entertainment. Then look at fashion. Why do girls who haven't developed hips need low-rider jeans? And don't tell me the belly shirt phenomenon is ... nah, I'm not even going there.
My point is that people need to think with their souls, their brains, and then their hormones. I like to facetiously say that the only sex I had before I married was the pre-marital variety. Hormones ruled and I was determined to not be a 30-year old virgin. But count me among those who discovered that love and commitment makes the sex better. Not everyone feels that way, of course, but it is a choice -- quick gratification at the risk of losing your soul or enjoying a full, meaningful relationship. Hmm ...
Pastor Tim Lucas of LiquidChurch.com (the site doesn't seem to exist anymore, but check this blog) discusses many of these points in his 9-part podcast called "Sex and the Bible" ( iTunes link). From the segments I've heard so far it's been helpful and informative, though it is probably a bit too progressive for some of my friends. I'm sure that it will help me deal with being single and yet still young enough to wrestle with lust. If I can balance the bombardment of temptations around me with enough positive insight, I'll probably stay sane -- and saved -- until I'm blessed with another marriage. Hopefully my wild oats won't turn into shredded wheat before then.
Thanks to Beliefnet for the information in this post. Visit their site for more information. I added Wikipedia and Merriam-Webster links to each section to save you the bother of looking up things yourself (Give a man a fish ...). And, yes, that's me in the last picture. Probably the most flattering one I have. I'm best remembered without pictures.